Understanding the Federal Tax Implications of LLCs | Farrukh Dall
Understanding the Federal Tax Implications of LLCs
Image Source: FreeImages
In this blog post, we’ll explore the federal tax implications of LLCs, different types of LLCs, how to file an LLC with the IRS, tax exemptions for LLCs, tax free LLCs, common tax deductions for LLCs, and tips for minimizing your tax burden as an LLC.
by Farrukh Dall
What is an LLC?
A Limited Liability Company...

Limited Liability Company (LLC); Structure and 10 Key Takeaways
Limited Liability Company (LLC); Structure and 10 Key Takeaways
Farrukh Dall
Lawyer/ President Partner
At Trek Law LLP
So you’ve decided to start a business in the United States. Congratulations! Now comes the fun part: picking the right business structure. There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing a business structure, and it can be confusing to know where to...

10 Legal Reasons Why You Should Register Your LLC in Delaware
10 Legal Reasons Why You Should Register Your LLC, As A Non-Resident, In The State Of Delaware
Farrukh Dall, Fatima Gilani
Advocates and Partners at Trek Law
If you are looking for business proliferation and hence looking for incorporation in the United States, Delaware consistently ranks among the top 5 states. This goes hand in hand with Florida, California, New York, and...