Numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operate in third-world countries, focusing on various aspects of social welfare such as healthcare, education, and charity.
This approach to serving society is increasingly gaining traction in Pakistan, with more individuals actively participating and contributing to such initiatives.
For those aspiring to engage in social welfare activities by establishing their own non-profit organization, the right assistance is available.
Our team at Treklaw is dedicated to supporting you throughout the process of registering your NGO. From addressing your initial inquiries about NGO registration in Pakistan to providing step-by-step guidance across all facets, we’re here to streamline the process.
Don’t feel overwhelmed or unsure. By following this guide to its conclusion, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to register an NGO in Pakistan, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free registration for your organization.
Which Type Of Registration Do You Need?
In Pakistan, when we address the query, how to register an NGO in Pakistan? Individuals have the option to choose the type of registration for their organization, which comprises two distinct categories:
For those seeking to establish a non-profit organization, registration is required with the Ministry of Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal (SWB).
Alternatively, if the intention is to establish a charitable organization, registration will be conducted through the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).
In either case, we offer full support for all sorts of help for Ngo registration in Pakistan.
Procedure For Registration
- Following payment of the fee and receipt issuance, applicants are advised to procure a copy of the Model Constitution from the Deputy Director of Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal of the respective district, along with the necessary application documents.
- Subsequently, applicants will be directed to the appropriate Area Office.
- As per instructions, the area officer is tasked with visiting the NGO’s headquarters to compile a feasibility report.
- The area officer holds responsibility for presenting the registration case to the Deputy Director of Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal.
- Furthermore, to facilitate a Special Recommendation and secure approval from the Directorate General of Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal, Punjab, the designated Deputy Director will visit the NGO’s premises, compile a report, and, if content, endorse and forward the complete registration case to the relevant Divisional Director, Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal.
- The concerned Divisional Director will assess the NGO registration application and, if satisfied, issue a Special Recommendation to the NGO’s members and forward the application for approval to the Directorate General of Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal, Punjab. Any dissatisfaction will prompt the Divisional Director to convey concerns to the relevant Deputy Director.
- Should the concerned Divisional Director deem it necessary to verify information regarding NGO members with the Special Branch of Police, they will direct the relevant Deputy Director to compile and submit the required information in the specified format to the Directorate General of Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal, Punjab. Alternatively, if such verification is unnecessary, the registration process should proceed without sending separate information on NGO members.
- The Deputy Director (NGOs) will undertake a review of the documentation and proceed to submit the case for ngo registration in pakistan.
- Approval or disapproval of the case for a No Objection Certificate (NOC) by the Director General, Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal, Punjab, will be based on documented reasons.
- Upon approval by the Director General, the Deputy Director (NGOs) will issue the NOC and submit the complete registration case.
- The relevant Deputy Director will then issue a registration certificate to the NGO in accordance with the specified format.
- A copy of the registration certificate, along with the verified documents of the registration case, will be forwarded by the Deputy Director to both the Divisional Director and the Deputy Director (NGOs) for record-keeping purposes.
Documents Required For Registration
- Proof of address
- Copies of permits
- Copy of by-laws
- List of members
- Audited accounts (SECP)
- Financial statements (SECP)
Laws To Register NGOs In Pakistan
The laws governing NGOs differ from those governing Non-government organizations. The key legislations include:
- The Societies Registration Act of 1860
- The Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Ordinance, 1961
- The Trust Act of 1882
- The Companies Act, 2017
– It is an organization established voluntarily to offer social services in various areas such as child welfare, youth welfare, women’s welfare, etc.
– It relies on government assistance and donations for support.
- A public charitable trust is established
- Which may be either movable or immovable, temporary or permanent.
The Companies Act, 2017
- It can be established with the aim of serving the public.
- It can be established for the mutual benefit of a specific group or class of individuals.
- Its primary goal is to advance art, science, religion, sports, social services, charity, or any other beneficial purpose.
Documents Required For Registration Under Respective Acts
1. The Societies Registration Act,1860
For the registration process, several documents and formalities are required for ngo registration in Pakistan. These include the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, delineating the organization’s objectives and operational guidelines. Additionally, attested copies of the Computerized National Identity Cards (CNICs) of all members must be submitted.
The application for registration, ideally on official letterhead, along with the prescribed forms, is essential. Furthermore, comprehensive lists of office bearers and members, complete with their contact details, are necessary for documentation.
Property papers or lease agreements pertaining to the organization’s premises are also part of the submission.
Moreover, providing correspondence details such as email address, telephone number, and website address facilitates communication during the registration process. These meticulous steps ensure that the registration process is conducted smoothly and in accordance with legal requirements.
2. The Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Ordinance,1961
To initiate the registration process for the agency, several crucial documents and formalities are necessary. These include drafting and finalizing the constitution of the agency, along with completing Form B, duly signed by the authorized representatives.
Additionally, attested copies of Computerized National Identity Cards (CNICs) for all members must be provided. The first minute of the meeting held among the members is also required to be documented.
Ensuring a registered address is paramount, alongside providing contact details such as correspondence email address and telephone number to facilitate communication during the registration procedure.
Moreover, furnishing the agency’s website address, if applicable, is advisable for comprehensive documentation. Submission of the agency’s letterhead, office bearers list, and membership roster, along with their respective contact numbers, is essential.
Finally, property papers or lease agreements pertaining to the agency’s premises must be included to fulfill the registration requirements thoroughly. These meticulous steps ensure a comprehensive and legally compliant registration process for the agency.
3. The Trust Act, 1882
In the process of establishing a trust, a comprehensive trust deed is essential, outlining the objectives and details pertinent to the trust’s operations.
This includes a thorough description of the properties involved and their intended use, along with other pertinent details.
Additionally, detailed particulars of the trustees and beneficiaries involved in the trust’s administration and beneficiaries are required. To substantiate ownership claims, documents demonstrating proof of ownership for the properties involved must also be furnished.
These documents serve to formalize the trust’s structure and ensure transparency and legality in its establishment and operation.
- The Companies Act, 2017
In the process of registering an NGO, various documentation and formalities are required.
These include providing the organization’s name and submitting bank challans for both registration and licensing fees. Additionally, a list of promoters, accompanied by their respective Computerized National Identity Cards (CNICs), must be furnished.
Detailed information about the NGO, including its mission statement and background, is essential for NGO registration in Pakistan.
Moreover, an undertaking from each promoter and resumes detailing their qualifications and experience are also necessary for the registration process. These documents collectively serve to establish the NGO’s identity, purpose, and credibility, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
Departments Involved in The Process Of Registration
The allocation of authority to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is determined by the state. Under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961, responsibility for overseeing and regulating NGO registration is entrusted to two departments:
- The Ministry of Social Welfare and Special Education.
- The Provincial Social Welfare Department.
In Karachi, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is responsible for issuing licenses to NGOs for registration purposes. While many NGOs are operating in Pakistan without formal registration, it is advisable to register your NGO to access various benefits fully and to prevent potential challenges or disruptions.
The process of applying for the availability of a name for an NGO entails several steps and requirements. It’s an integral part of registering your Ngo registration in Pakistan.
These include submitting a bank challan of PKR 25,000, along with a list of promoters of the association, detailing their occupations and addresses, as well as colour copies of their CNICs.
Additionally, the names of companies, associations, or other institutions in which the promoters hold any office must be disclosed, along with declarations and undertakings affirming the authenticity of the documents and the promoters’ expertise and initial donations. Moreover, there should be at least three subscribers or members of the company with sufficient skills, expertise, and resources for the attainment of its objectives.
Other documents such as statements of work to be done, future income projections, resumes of all promoters, and property papers or lease agreements for office premises must also be provided.
Furthermore, certain protocols and regulations must be adhered to, such as submitting annual progress and audit reports, details of projects/services, bank account information, and contact numbers to the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies annually.
Additionally, it is stipulated that the office of the NGO should be located in a commercial area, and at least three office bearers should sign every page of the Article of Association.
In the case of a non-profit organization (NPO) under The Companies Ordinance, 1984, no changes to the Memorandum and Articles of Association should be made without prior approval from the Commission.
Moreover, the company is prohibited from engaging in industrial or commercial activities or functioning as a trade organization, exploiting religious susceptibilities, or distributing profits to members. Compliance with conditions imposed by the Commission is also mandated.
Procedure/Steps for Registration of an NGO
Step-I: Availability of the Name
When establishing an NGO, individuals select a name for their organization.
They then verify the availability of this chosen name with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).
This verification process involves applying for one of two methods: online or offline.
If the chosen name is available and meets the necessary criteria, the SECP issues a Certificate or Letter confirming its availability.
Step II: Application for Grant of License
Upon receiving a certificate confirming the availability of the chosen name, an application for a grant of license must be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).
This application necessitates the attachment of several essential documents, including the original bank challan indicating payment of the required fee. Additionally, a copy of the Letter or Certificate verifying the name’s availability from the previous step must be included. The application also requires the submission of a draft of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, along with a list of promoters of the association, detailing their occupations and addresses as per specified requirements.
Photocopies of the Computerized National Identity Cards (CNICs), or attested copies of passports for foreigners, of each promoter must be provided. Furthermore, a statement delineating the names of companies, associations, or other institutions in which the promoters hold any office, specifying their positions or designations, is necessary.
Lastly, a declaration confirming the scrutiny of the application and accompanying documents, and attesting to their conformity with relevant provisions and conditions, must be submitted as per the specified format.
Each promoter must provide an undertaking as per the specified form, as well as an estimate of the proposed company’s future annual income and expenditure.
Additionally, a concise statement detailing any completed work and proposed future endeavours must be submitted according to the specified format.
A Power of Attorney (Authority Letter) is also required, along with the resumes of all promoters, each adhering to the specified form.
Upon satisfaction with the application and any necessary inquiries or additional information, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) grants a license to the NGO.
Step III: Registration of NGO as a Company
Once the license has been obtained, it is necessary to register the NGO as a company with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) within three months from the date of obtaining the license.
The fee details are outlined as follows: for the application for availability of the name, the online option incurs a charge of Rs.500/-.
The application for a license requires a payment of Rs.177,500/- as the SECP fee. Renewal of the license after 5 years entails a fee of Rs.25,000/-.
Additionally, the lawyer’s fee to complete all necessary documents and register the NGO amounts to Rs.300,000/-. (Three Lac Rupees)
How Can Treklaw Help?
Given the intricate documentation compliances necessary for registering an NGO or NPO, it’s understandable that confusion often arises regarding the process.
Fortunately, with Treklaw’s seasoned expertise and committed consultant team, we guarantee to handle this process seamlessly on your behalf, ensuring your experience is both hassle-free and optimized for efficiency.